Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Two Great Professional Development Opportunities

Two Great Professional Development Opportunities

Below please see the links to two flyers - each for a series of incredible workshops being offered by colleagues of mine. Please consider attending and/or forward them to educators you think might be interested.

The first, Using Neuroscience to Make Standards Work for ALL Students, is a series of four workshops (Oct 9Nov 21March 6, and May 1).  These workshops can each be taken as stand-alone, or they can be taken as a series with an opportunity to earn 3 graduate credits.  They focus on using standards to create learning targets and scales; designing performance-based assessment; getting to standards-based grading; and using data tools to report student learning.  The VT Higher Ed Collaborative (VT-HEC) ran them last year and they were so successful (teachers, principals, and curriculum leaders participated) that they are being offered again this year.

The second, Using Principles of Neuroscience to Lead Schools in the 21st Century, is also a series of four workshops (Oct 3Nov 7Jan 23April 3).  This series is focused on designing, implementing, and sustaining a systemic approach to standards-based learning, and is for leaders in schools.  The first session, Oct 3, is a repeat of a VPA strand offered this summer.  If you want to attend any of the remaining 3 sessions, you need to have attended the VPA strand OR this Oct 3 workshop OR be a TASS school.  You are encouraged to come alone or bring a team to this series.