Tuesday, February 10, 2015

VRI - 2015 Summer Institute!

                       Vermont Reads
                      2015 SUMMER INSTITUTE
August 3, 4, 5 , 2015
at the 
Stoweflake Resort and Spa

Keynote: Reading Workshop 2.0: Supporting Readers in the Digital Age

By: Frank Serafini

This presentation will focus on the changes happening in reading instruction in light of the Digital Revolution. We will look at the features of new texts being used in contemporary classrooms, the lessons necessary for comprehending digital and multimodal texts, and the digital resources available for reading, sharing, discussing and analyzing print-based, digital and multimodal texts. A framework will be shared that demonstrates how the reading workshop structure provides instructional opportunities and reading strategies to help students comprehend and interrogate digital and multimodal texts. Various online resources, and student examples will be shared.

Dr. Frank Serafini is an award winning children's author and illustrator, a landscape photographer, a devoted guitar player, and an Associate Professor of Literacy Education and Children's Literature at Arizona State University. Frank has recently been awarded the Arbuthnot Award from the International Reading Association as the 2014 Distinguished Professor of Children's Literature. Frank has published six books with Heinemann Publishers including: The Reading Workshop, Lessons in Comprehension, Around the Reading Workshop and Classroom Reading Assessments. Frank's new book is entitled: Reading the Visual: An Introduction to Teaching Multimodal Literacies with Teachers College Press. 

Mini Strands - August 3

Reading the Visual: Teaching Multimodal Literacies Gr. K-8
Frank Serafini

Reading and Writing in the Mathematics Classroom Gr. 2-6             
Melinda Robinson

Embracing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) through Inquiry Learning Gr. K-6
Theresa Young                                                                                                                  

Engaging Adolescents in A Digital World Gr. 5-12
Maggie Eaton

Fostering "Academic Discussions" in the Middle Level and Secondary Content Classroom through the Lenses of Common Core Standards Gr 6-12
Therese Akerley, Heidi Western, and Cynthia Reyes
                                                                                                                                            Assessment in the Reader's Workshop that Informs Daily Instruction Gr. 2-5
Rebecca Cardone

Informational Writing with Beginning Writers: Emergent Writers Can Create Informational Texts Too! Gr. K-2
Beth Moore

Full Strands - August 4 & 5

Writer's Workshop in the K-2 Classroom Gr. K-2                   
Adrienne Magida                                                                                                                         
Creating Authentic Formative Assessment Opportunities: Incorporating Performance Assessment into a Standards-Based Curriculum Gr. K-12
Lori Dolezal & Kris Breen
Driven to Dig Deeper: Integrating Science, Social Studies, Technology and Literacy to Energize Student Engagement and Learning Gr. 3-8
Christine Hertz & Maura Kelly

Designing Units of Study for Writer's Workshop Gr. 1-8
Jenn Childress and Kosha Patel
Adolescent Literacy in the Spotlight: A Focus on Essential Components and How to Integrate Them in the Disciplinary Classroom Gr. 6-12
Alysia Backman and Lisa Driver                                                                        

Applying Common Core Standards to the Effective Teaching of Vocabulary in Content Area Classrooms Gr. 3-6
Pat Nally

Small Group Work in Reading Workshop: Shared Reading, Guided Reading, Strategy Lessons, Book Clubs and More Gr. K-2
Beth Moore

Exploring the Reading Workshop Model Gr 3-6
Nancy Woods & Cathy White

Learning About and From Informational Texts: From ABC Books to Historical Recounts Gr. K-6
Pam Chomsky-Higgins                                                   

Setting Up For Success: Organizational Systems and Structures with Literacy Instruction that Responds to Standards and Students Gr. K-6
Theresa Young

Registration Information

Early Bird Special! Register for the entire Institute by May 15 for $600 person or $550 per team member

Registration fees after May 15 are as follows:

Monday only: $225.00 per person*

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: $650 per person*

A Team of 5 Registrants from the same school or district will be given a reduced rate of $600/person.  All registrations must be received at the same time to qualify for the group rate.  Please fill out a separate registration form for each registrant.

*Includes continental breakfast, lunch, and all materials.
A separate registration form is required for each individual and must be accompanied by a check or purchase order made out to VRI at UVM. Registrations and checks or purchase orders can be mailed to: 
Vermont Reads Institute at UVM
204D Mann Hall, UVM
208 Colchester Ave
Burlington, VT 05405


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