Balancing Responsiveness and Rigor
in High-School Science Classrooms
The summary below comes from issue #642 of The Marshall Memo (, an EXCELLENT resource for educattors
In this Teachers College Record article, Jessica
Thompson, Carolyn Colley, and Mark Windschitl (University of
Washington/Seattle), Sara Hagenah (Boise State University), Hosun Kang
(University of California/Irvine), David Stroupe (Michigan State University),
and Melissa Braaten (University of Wisconsin/Madison) start with a striking
research finding: only about 13 percent of elementary and secondary math and
science lessons are both responsive and rigorous – that is, respectful of
students’ ideas while also teaching the required curriculum. “Our theory of
action for rigorous and responsive teaching in classrooms,” say the authors,
“rests on the assumption that teaching is fundamentally about setting
intellectually meaningful learning goals and then creating opportunities for
students to learn through mediated action… Rigorous curriculum is necessary but
not sufficient for ambitious and equitable science learning experiences… [H]igh
levels of rigor cannot be attained in classrooms where teachers are
unresponsive to students’ ideas or puzzlements.”
The tendency that
Thompson and her colleagues observed in the secondary science classrooms they observed
was that teachers either acted as the sage on the stage, dispensing science
knowledge for students to memorize and regurgitate, or “elicited students’
ideas, opening up a range of possible ideas for consideration, but then
narrowed the set of possible ideas to the correct science idea by the end of
the class period, doing little to support subsequent sense-making.” Why? In
both cases, it was because teachers wanted to keep their classroom under
reasonable control and cover the curriculum. These two concerns acted as “sink
stoppers” on the flow of ideas in classrooms, say the authors, preventing the
ideal balance of curriculum coverage and student participation.
The very small
number of teachers who were successful in combining rigor and responsiveness did
three things: (a) Responding to and building on students’ science ideas and getting
them talking in whole-class and small-group settings; (b) Encouraging
participation in a learning community and reinforcing classroom norms; and (c) Eliciting
and incorporating students’ lived experiences to build vivid scientific stories.
An example of the third was a student telling the class that his family’s dog
got sick, the vet’s blood tests found the dog was 15-20 percent wolf, and the
dog had to be put down. This story became a shared problem that the class
worked on for three weeks in the context of genetic variations among dogs.
The secret sauce,
say the authors, is for teachers to orchestrate or seize upon teachable
moments, in any part of the lesson, have students juxtapose their first-hand
experiences with known scientific ideas and concepts, and talk ideas through in
a supportive classroom environment. “In the small fraction of lessons we coded
as highly rigorous and responsive,” say Thompson and her colleagues, “students
authored and owned scientific explanations while carefully listening and
building on the ideas of others. Both teachers and students regularly engaged
in in-the-moment sense-making and focused on synthesizing knowledge. Multiple
students’ ideas were framed as legitimate resources that helped the whole class
make progress on canonical science understandings, even as the science was
localized in students’ experiences. Scientific knowledge was treated as partial
and under constant revision. This allowed for a hybrid form of epistemic
authority that combined canonical science knowledge with students’ locally
authored science ideas. The result was shared scientific understandings that
were made public, challenged, and revised until well-warranted.”
Why did so few lessons successfully balance student voice
and curriculum rigor? The authors believe it’s because of the perennial difficulty
of juggling four classroom dilemmas:
How much
to privilege canonical science knowledge? When there was too much of a gap
between curriculum content and students’ ideas and misconceptions, teachers tended
to revert to the Initiate-Respond-Evaluate pattern to keep students on track
and move the lesson along.
How much
to build on ideas from previous lessons? In the most effective classrooms,
teachers jotted students’ ideas on easel sheets, posted them on the wall, and
were able to quickly point out connections from previous lessons.
How many
students should take part in a discussion before moving on or layering on the
“correct” information? In the best lessons, there was less concern about the
number of students participating than the quality
of responses and the whole class putting together a good understanding of the
How to
legitimately use students’ lived experience and language to shape instruction?
This was the biggest challenge for teachers, with fewer than 3 percent
successfully incorporating real-life stories into lessons. Most of the time,
teachers borrowed language from students’ stories and incorporated it into
teacher-centered explanations. “By coopting students’ language and experiences
in this manner,” say the authors, “teachers preserved their own storyline for
science and marginalized student contributions by treating them as tokens.”
“How teachers and
students navigated these in-the-moment dilemmas – or not – helps explain the
full range of more or less successful intertwining of rigor and responsiveness
in our data set,” conclude Thompson et al. In the most successful lessons,
students did the intellectual heavy lifting, with the teacher skillfully
orchestrating the process and keeping the focus on the big ideas students
needed to learn – in their own way. “Thus, the rigorous and responsive
classrooms became places where students’ lives framed the community’s science
“Rigor and
Responsiveness in Classroom Activity” by Jessica Thompson, Sara Hagenah, Hosun
Kang, David Stroupe, Melissa Braaten, Carolyn Colley, and Mark Windschitl in Teachers College Record, May 2016 (Vol.
118, #5, p. 1-58),;
Thompson can be reached at
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